Tricky kids, tricky classes

Tricky kids, tricky classes

Workshops for Educators
Workshops on Evidence-Based Literacy Teaching, Dyslexia and other Specific Learning
Disorders - WORKSHOP 20
Emma and Bill’s Amazing talk about Dyslexia:
A Workshop for Students and Teachers
1 Hour Workshop
To book this workshop please contact Bill Hansberry
This 1-hour workshop was first run with one of the outstanding students Bill works with. Emma wanted to be able to communicate to her classmates what Dyslexia is and the different ways it can affect students at school. Most importantly, Em wanted her peers to know that having Dyslexia doesn't mean that you are dumb!
So Em and Bill put their heads down, planned a workshop, and presented it to Em's year 5 class. It was a hit, and Em's dad said Em walked taller afterwards. What an excellent outcome for a young person!
Since then, Bill has delivered this same workshop with other students in other classrooms with a similar result – more understanding of Dyslexia! Teachers also commented that they learned a lot from this session.