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So we are going to give you some of our valuable teaching and parents resources for FREE!


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The links to the right will take you directly to chapters from our new book "The Grab and Go Circle Time Kit for Teaching Restorative Behaviour: 13 Sessions for Junior Primary". 

Jane and I would love you to download them to use with your students. Share them with your colleagues and if you love them, 

buy the book!



In the Introduction you'll find handy ideas and information about best ways to engage students in Circle Time. You will also find (on page 16) a handy ready reference table to help you understand and respond to challenging behaviour in Circle Time.

Free Morning Routinue Checklist from Chapter 11 to help the kids better organise the morning routine

Raising Beaut Kids

This month's FREE Chapter is

Chapter 4: "Sibling Rivalry"

We have books and other resources available for purchase.

Check out our SHOP. 


Bill Hansberry

Fullarton House

22 Gordon Street, Glenelg

South Australia 5045

Ph +61 433399767



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