Bundle: Playberry© Chunk Cards and Exercise Sheets
This bundle includes the complete Playberry Chunk Card Set (333 cards) and the Playberry Chunk Exercise Sheets (44 sheets) giving Intervention Teachers and Tutors a powerful tool for students with blending difficulties.
The Playberry Chunk Cards are in packs of VC, VCC, VCe, Vr and VVC chunks (333 cards in total), these cards are used with student’s Reading Cards to create real and non-words quickly and easily for blending practice during sessions and at home. Chunk Cards are clearly labelled to the Playberry© structure and can beadded to a student’s Reading Card pack and then removed once a student has mastered blending words and non-words with a particular chunk.
The Playberry Chunk Sheet Exercises can be used periodically in the place of reading and spelling card drills and benefit students experiencing sound blending difficulties or spelling problems. The Playberry Chunks© are either whole words, or parts of words. Many chunks are rime units. All of the chunks are to Playberry structure up to the teaching point (TP) indicated at the top right of the page. To use the Playberry Chunk Sheet Exercises©, select a TP that is suitable for your student. This may be at, or behind their teaching point.